This week’s theme, as you have observed: CARBON.
Monday: Carbon Disclosure Program.
Tuesday: RGGI Analysis.
Wednesday: Curtailment.
Today: A look at cap and trade developments around the country.
Because the Regional Greenhouse Gas Inititative (RGGI) launched its auction today, it is appropriate to take a look at what is happening elsewhere in the U.S. with cap and trade programs. There are two other regional cap and trade efforts moving forward in the North America. One comes from the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) and the other is the Midwestern Greenouse Gas Reduction Accord (“MGGRA”)
To visualize these programs which will regulate the amount of GHG emissions from industries within participating states, I put together the following map. The map speaks on its own about what to expect from national legislation in the coming years following these regional initiatives.
Red: RGGI participants
Dark Blue: MGGRA Participants
Light Blue: MGGRA Observers
Dark Green: WCI Participants
Light Green: WCI Observers