Blog – Sustainability Roundtable Inc

Sustainability Roundtable Inc. Recognized Clarion Partners as SBER’s Emerging Leader 2013

Written by Admin | Jan 16, 2014 7:09:13 PM

At SR Inc’s Q4 Executive Symposium on Sustainable Optimization and Innovation: Advanced Sustainability Strategy held at Member-Client Nokia’s campus in San Diego, Clarion Partners was recognized as the “Sustainable Business & Enterprise Roundtable’s Emerging Leader 2013,” for its outstanding leadership in the move to sustainable high-performance portfolio-wide, particularly regarding energy efficiency, external reporting, and having a defined company-wide vision, strategy, and goals to further their sustainability initiatives.

SR Inc chose Clarion Partners as Emerging Leader 2013 due to its corporate-wide approach to sustainability, specifically, the company’s leadership and ability to secure a sustainability mission, goals, and roadmap for implementation; increased support from the CEO and other key decision makers; and its ability to make significant headway in energy efficiency measures, building benchmarking, green cleaning, and external reporting.

This past year, sustainability highlights within Clarion Partners and its assets include:

  • Setting a target of LEED certification for all new developments
  • Implementing EV charging stations at two major office campuses 
  • A goal of 100% ENERGY STAR certification for all assets
  • Reporting to the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) and becoming signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing
  • Establishing green cleaning programs portfolio-wide

Clarion Partners has already achieved large success in ensuring their real estate and asset portfolios are sustainable. Currently, 11.5 million square feet of Clarion’s real estate portfolio is ENERGY STAR certified, with a weighted average ENERGY STAR score of 80.6. 43% of Clarion’s office portfolio, totaling 8.3 million square feet of space, has achieved LEED certification.

If you are a corporate executive who is seeking to become a leader in the realm of sustainability, we’d love to hear from you. Please check out our Digital Library for full reports of related research, or reach out to your SR Inc advisor directly. To find out about SR Inc membership, please contact us.