At SR Inc’s Q4 Executive Symposium on Sustainable Optimization and Innovation: Advanced Sustainability Strategy held at Member-Client Nokia’s campus in San Diego, Bentall Kennedy was recognized as the “Sustainable Business & Enterprise Roundtable’s Outstanding Landlord 2013,” for its outstanding leadership in the move to sustainable high-performance portfolio-wide, particularly regarding employee and tenant engagement, enhanced governance structure, a focus on transit-oriented development, and setting goals for continuous improvement.
SR Inc chose Bentall Kennedy as Outstanding Landlord 2013 due to its outstanding corporate-wide approach to sustainability, specifically, its:
For years, Bentall Kennedy has been an industry-leading landlord in the realm of sustainability. Currently, $6.9 billion of Bentall Kennedy’s assets are LEED certified or better. The company uses sustainability KPIs to assess performance of divisions, reports to senior management on a quarterly basis, and participates in external reporting frameworks CDP, GRI, and GRESB.
This past year, sustainability highlights within Bentall Kennedy’s organization include prioritizing transit-oriented development and central business district (CBD) locations for new acquisitions and projects, implementing zero waste and composting programs in pilot sites, and the creation of a Sustainability Innovation Committee tasked with reviewing new technologies and services.
If you are a landlord who is seeking to become a leader in the realm of sustainability, we’d love to hear from you. Please check out our Digital Library for full reports of related research, or reach out to your SR Inc advisor directly. To find out about SR Inc membership, please contact us.