Key findings from this session and from our latest Member-Briefing on this topic include:
Bob Hoffman, Global Head of Site Services & Utilities Sourcing at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany (MilliporeSigma), described the company’s commitment to offtake 68MW of wind power (from a wind system currently under construction) through the SR Inc 2020 Net Zero Consortium for Buyers (NZCB) Aggregated Procurement. MilliporeSigma is actively pursuing further aggregated VPPA opportunities in the U.S. through the NZCB to be followed by evaluating renewable energy options in Europe and Asia in a major step towards reaching climate neutrality by 2040. Bob encouraged fellow Member-Clients to pursue a credible off-site renewables strategy aligned with corporate sustainability strategy. This aim can contribute to GHG reduction and renewables goals, without any capital outlay or operational responsibilities for managing renewable assets and can be projected to be significantly less expensive than less impactful alternatives, possibly even generating a positive NPV.
We heard next from Mike Mattera, Director of Corporate Sustainability at Akamai Technologies. Akamai’s Decade of Action includes goals for 100% renewables, including developing purchaser-caused net-new renewable energy globally, 100% mitigation of platform emissions, a 50% more efficient platform, engaging with top suppliers for measurable GHG reduction, and recycling 100% of eWaste. Mattera advised guests and Member-Clients to collaborate with industry partnerships, like the Clean Energy Buyers Association, innovative solution providers, like REsurety, and proactive programs that benefit both customers and providers, like Iron Mountain’s Green Power Pass Program, to achieve bold decarbonization goals.
We look forward to continuing our work with Member-Clients to innovatively solve for 100% of global Scope 2 emissions. Our Symposia, Summit, and multi-member management best practice guidance and tools play a key role in advancing thought leadership and bringing together global executives for collaboration and innovation toward global emission reduction. Member-Clients can view our latest Member-Briefing on this topic in our cloud-based Digital Library.