Whether working with fellow SR Inc Member-Clients in the Net Zero Consortium for Buyers (NZCB) or with independent buyer advisory services, all SR Inc Member-Clients of sufficient scale are interested in the VPPA market as they move towards 100% renewable energy. Every quarter since 2019, SR Inc has therefore been pleased to offer the NZCB VPPA Opportunity Index that enables a comparison of potential wind and solar VPPA performance across U.S. hubs using common analytics. In the third quarter of 2022, corporations continued to compete to pay rising prices for long-term REC procurements from renewable projects they helped cause. This increased demand has enabled developers to pass on increased supply chain costs to corporate off-takers without decreasing corporate demand.
The Index reflects both prior actual (backcast) performance and forward carefully modeled pricing. The Opportunity Index is based on proprietary SR Inc analytics and key data sources including those provided by SR Inc partners LevelTen Energy and REsurety. We call readers’ attention to the fact that the Index is based upon VPPA offers, not executed transactions, that were made over the prior quarter. As such, these VPPA prices do not fully reflect the now substantial monthly price increases in executed transactions driven in part by Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, continued supply chain challenges, and tariff-related issues with imported solar modules. The impacts of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act are also not likely to be felt for some time as developers continue to evaluate official guidance on tax credits. To illustrate the fluid nature of the proposals in the market, in an RFP SR Inc issued in Q3, more than half of all bids include indexed prices tied to major cost changes (prior to financing). Due to demand outstripping supply, we are also seeing later CODs (the average COD SR Inc is seeing today is Q4 2025), so buyers are initiating procurements earlier to accommodate the longer lead time today.
Key findings from our Q3 analysis include:
The NZCB VPPA Opportunity Index is an intentionally simplified rendering of complex markets, but NZCB participants find it helpful in beginning to gain an understanding of VPPA market dynamics and financial implications for implementing their renewable energy strategies through VPPAs and aggregated VPPAs. In pursuing any specific VPPA opportunities, NZCB participants require very detailed and custom analytics performed with senior expert assistance before transacting. This assistance requires financial, legal, and market expertise to drive timely procurement strategy development and implementation, transaction structuring, contracting, and negotiation services to create a successful and auditable corporate procurement process in rapidly changing markets
Data Sources
If you have any additional questions, or would like to learn more about the NZCB, contact info@sustainround.com.