Member Testimonials
“SR Inc continues to be a great resource for Akamai’s sustainability programming. The SR Inc team has been an instrumental part in helping to chart our path to 100% renewable energy to help reach our 2030 sustainability goals. The team has provided critical guidance for our public disclosure efforts, has consulted on our responsible supply chain program, and has facilitated leadership opportunities in the political arena advocating for climate-responsible policies. I view the crew over at SR Inc as an extension of Akamai’s sustainability family and look forward to continuing to partner with them in the future”.

Mike Mattera
Director of Corporate Sustainability, Akamai Technologies Incorporated
“SR Inc has played a pivotal role in expanding GoTo’s strong CSR program into a well-rounded ESG program. SR Inc’s expert guidance and implementation assistance has enabled us to enhance our sustainability reporting by aligning it with SASB and TCFD standards, submitting our first CDP report in 2022, and expanding our emissions footprinting. Additionally, we appreciate SR Inc’s assistance in the procurement of renewable energy and carbon offsets, which has empowered us to maintain carbon neutrality goal.”

Amy Wendel
Senior Director, Head of Corporate Responsibility & ESG
“Intuit is committed to delighting our customers who have made clear they would like us powered by renewable energy. We have appreciated SR Inc’s leadership in helping to create a model of shared services and Buy-side Aggregated VPPAs that has the potential to deliver cost-positive renewable energy for every enterprise that is creditworthy and able to make a long-term commitment to cause new renewable energy. It has made it possible to meet our goal of 100% renewable energy 10 years early and to move to a bold climate positive target: by 2030, we will reduce carbon emissions 50 times greater than our 2018 carbon footprint, resulting in a reduction of 2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.”

Sean Kinghorn
Global Sustainability Leader, Intuit
Our Services
The Sustainable Business & Enterprise Roundtable (SBER) is a strategic advisory and support service for ESG program assistance. The SBER helps management teams set goals, drive progress, and report results as they lead their organizations to more sustainable high performance globally.
The Net Zero Consortium for Buyers (NZCB) is a confidential buyers’ community and a leading transaction platform committed to creating corporate buyer favorable renewable energy transactions that enable participating enterprises to chart a profitable path to Net Zero Emissions globally. SR Inc Member-clients have made the NZCB the leading transaction platform for aggregated VPPAs.
City of Cambridge and Sustainability Roundtable, Inc. Announce Largest-Ever Virtual Power Purchase Agreement by U.S. City

The first-of-its-kind VPPA is for 50MW of solar energy, to be produced in one of the country’s most carbon-intensive grids while reducing Cambridgefalse
Sustainability Roundtable, Inc. Announces it is Officially a Public Benefit Corporation

By transitioning to a Public Benefit Corporation, SR Inc is demonstrating its commitment to accelerate the development & adoption of best practicesfalse
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SR Inc is the leader in strategic advisory & support as a service and is focused on helping corporate managers set goals, drive progress, and report results in their move to more sustainable high-performance globally.