Liberty Property Trust understands the future of the sustainable offices market. As one of their execs said, “Green Buildings are the future of development.” The value of high-performance buildings is substantial in any market & economy, yet can have a critically positive impact in the current economy. The value of high-performance buildings, to identify a few areas, is realized by:
Reduced operating risk
Increased worker productivity and decreased turnover (HR is the largest cost.)
Energy cost savings (Tenants: Reduced costs; Owners: Increased NOI)
Surveys reveal (this one is indicative of the national scene) that real estate executives are interested in sustainable (or “Green” or “High Performance”) buildings, but that they do not know or understand the financial, health and PR benefits of them. Our interactions with leading owners and tenants of commercial office properties reveal this interest and our services are encouraging the maturity of the understanding of the value in our Member companies.
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