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TRIRIGA introduces TREES

TRIRIGA, a software developer for real estate management, has introduced the TRIREGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability (TREES) product. The product, which has been in development since before most of us knew what a carbon footprint was, follows the mantra: “Measure, Manage, Reduce”. The software measures environmental data across a real estate portfolio. Manages the data via integrated analysis tools, GIS mapping, LEED compliance and provides actionable methods of reducing environmental woes by prioritizing opportunities for improvement.

While it does support his company’s product, George Ahn’s, article accurately presents the reality of our emissions situation: buildings are the largest environmental culprit and therefore present the largest opportunity for both resource use reduction and the associated cost reduction. And, if you think that Ahn is simply biased, read the report that McKinsey & Co. put out that identified improving the efficiency of buildings and related appliances as the best chance we have of reducing our GHG emissions.

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