As I read through my RSS feeds, one blurb that stood out to me among the many new year/clean slate/trend
Sustainable Leadership Blog
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November 12, 2008
The Continued Green in Real Estate
Nearly 70 percent of 400 commercial real estate executives slated sustainability in their real estate
October 28, 2008
ASHRAE 189: A Standard for High-Performance Buildings
I was excited for the progress of the joint project of ASHRAE, USGBC and IESNA to develop a standard for
October 18, 2008
Green Buildings in a Flat World
McGraw Hill Construction released its latest SmartMarket Report entitled “Global Green Building Trends:
October 13, 2008
Green Buildings in a Troubled Market
Those of you in the buildings industry–owners, tenants, vendors, service companies–are all feeling the impact
September 29, 2008
Pricing on Carbon: What’s the effect?
The RGGI auction for carbon dioxide emissions allowances last week produced a cost of carbon dioxide of $3.07
September 24, 2008
Trying to Curtail Your Emissions?
Thirty-three (33%) of the 321 companies in the S&P 500 that responded to the most recent Carbon Disclosure
September 22, 2008
Recap of CDP Global Forum
I just finished listening to the report findings of the CDP6 which were presented at the CDP Global Forum
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